Tomol Construction

Traditional Tomols are built from driftwood from fallen Redwoods trees that made their way down the coast this wood was preferred due to its durability and ease of use. Although when in low supply Pine would be used.

Tomols are unique in that they are Sewn together yes sewn like your clothing as each plank has holes that are made and are then fastened together once a special sealant of bitumen and pine pitch are laid forming a nearly watertight seam this is repeated until the desired height and size of the Tomol is made.

This process is very labor intensive, and without the use of modern machinery and the convience of stores like hardware stores nearby. The Brotherhood of the Tomol show that it would take nearly 500 man hours to construct just one tomol. This is the equieveland of working an 8-5 job for 3 months to finish just one Tomol.

Needless to say there is great pride upon the completion of a tomol and even today when we look forward to the day when we float a Tomol for its first time



Cargo: 6 Crew & up to 4,000 lbs
Passenger: 6 Crew & 12 Passengers


bitumen & Pine Pitch
Rope made of
Shells (Decor)

Historic Loads

During the Chumash Revolt of 1834 Spanish and Chumash stories recount that Tomols with up to 50 Chumash were seen traveling to the Channel islands to escape Spanish armys. These accounts are the heaviest loading of a Tomol crossing.